Installation Guide

You can install MSRP Relay in the following ways:

  • As debian package

  • From source

Install as Debian Package

Add these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:

# AG Projects software
deb unstable main
deb-src unstable main

Install the AG Projects debian software signing key:

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/agp-debian-key.gpg

After that, run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install msrprelay

If you have installed the debian package you can skip forward to the Configure the server section.

Ubuntu notes

There is a known compatibility issue with Ubuntu shipped libgcrypt11 library. If you have configured AG Projects debian repository, install this version instead:

sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11=1.5.0-3ubuntu1+agp

Installing from source

Download and install dependencies

The software has been developed and tested on Linux Debian unstable distribution.

The software has the following dependencies:

Download and install MSRPRelay

The software can be downloaded as a tar archive from:

Extract it using tar xzvf msrprelay-version.tar.gz and change directory to the newly created msrprelay directory.

The source code is managed using darcs version control tool. The darcs repository can be fetched with:

darcs get

To obtain the incremental changes after the initial get, go to the msrprelay directory and run:

cd msrprelay
darcs pull -a

Install the software:

cd msrprelay
python install

Configure the server

A sample configuration file is provided as config.ini.sample. All configuration options are documented in this file.

Configure the MSRP Relay by copying config.ini.sample to config.ini and editing it. At the very least the certificates need to be provided and the authentication backend needs to be configured.

Generate a TLS certificate/key pair. For documentation on how to do this, see the "tls" directory.

Typically, both TLS certificate/key pair and configuration file would be i nstalled in /etc/msrprelay. This is not needed however, as MSRP Relay looks for the configuration file in its local directory. Alternatively, the configuration filename and location may be specified on the command line using the --config-file option.

If you don't have a running user database to connect to you can test using the in-memory backend as described.

The software will reload its configuration file when it receives the HUP signal. All of the already established sessions will continue to operate using the old settings until a disconnection occurs within this session. This allows for changes in the configuration without disruption of service.

NOTE: at this moment the backend configurations are not re-read.

Configure DNS

For each domain served by the relay the following DNS record must be added to the name servers authoritative for the domain: IN SRV 0 0 2855   IN A

Replace the domain name, hostname and IP address with the real ones.

Multiple relays per domain

For allowing multiple relays for each domain you must either:

  1. Create multiple SRV DNS records pointing to multiple hostnames or

  2. Create one SRV record that point to one hostname and add multiple A records for that hostname pointing to multiple IP addesses. When doing so it is important that each relay is configured with a hostname that is resolvable in the DNS to his own IP address.

Running the server

Start the MSRPRelay, either by executing:

./msrprelay --no-fork

or as a daemon, which is the default behaviour.

This can also be done using the init.d script:

/etc/init.d/msrprelay start

When started as a deamon MSRPRelay will log its messages to syslog.

Testing the server

The "test/" directory contains a number of test scripts and a simple file transfer sender and receiver. See the README in the "test/" directory for documentation on the latter.

To use the relay you need a MSRP client with relay support, here are a few examples: